STUDIES SHOW CAUSED BY
The Same Pathogens Found in Sludge, biosolids and Reclaimed sewage effluent water

                                                                                                                         Revised    10/17/2007

This glossary does not include the separate lists of symptoms and diseases caused by
inorganic and
organic - pollutants, or synthetic organic chemicals in sludge biological solids.
  A-D                E-I                J -O        P-Z

Abortion -- is the premature exit of the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus.
           Pregnancy may  end spontaneously before the fetus can survive.

Abscesses -- localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue

Acne -- is a common skin disease that causes pimples

Acute -- sharpness or severity, acute pain, an acute infection,  a sudden onset, sharp
      rise, and short course, an acute disease, an acute inflammation

Antibiotic-resistant -- multidrug-resistant -- resistant to more than one drug

Aplastic -- aplastic anemia -- anemia that is characterized by defective function of the blood-forming
           organs (as the bone marrow) and is caused by toxic agents (as chemicals or X-rays) or
           is spontaneously from  obscure or unknown cause in origin --

Appendicitis -- inflammation of the vermiform appendix

arterial infections -- relating to an artery

Arthritis --inflammation of joints due to infectious, metabolic, or constitutional causes.

Arthritis - reactive -- acute arthritis that sometimes develops following a bacterial infection (as with the
     bacteria of the genera Shigella, Salmonella, or Chlamydia)  

arthritis - rheumatoid -- usually chronic disease considered an autoimmune disease and is
      characterized especially by pain, stiffness, inflammation, swelling, and sometimes
     destruction of joints

arthritis - septic -- relating to, involving, caused by, or affected with sepsis -- a serious usually localized
     infection (as of the abdomen or lungs) especially of bacterial origin that is usually marked
     by abnormal body temperature and white blood cell count,-- relatively rapid heart action
     whether physiological (as after exercise) or pathological  and increased rate of

arthritis - seronegative -- having or being a negative serum reaction especially in a test for the presence
     of a large number of proteins of high molecular weight that are produced normally by
     specialized B cells after stimulation by an antigen (any substance (as an immunogen or a
     hapten) foreign to the body that evokes an immune and act specifically against the
     antigen in an immune response,

aspergilloma -- allergic fungal sinusitis, or a chronic, slowly invasive granulomatous inflammation with
               fever, rhinitis, and  headache. Necrosing cutaneous lesions may overlie the nose or
               sinuses, palatal or gingival ulcerations may be present, signs of cavernous sinus
               thrombosis may develop, and pulmonary or disseminated lesions may occur.

Aspergillosis -- is an opportunistic infection caused by inhaled spores of the mold Aspergillus,
               which invade blood vessels, causing hemorrhagic necrosis and infarction.
                Extrapulmonary invasive aspergillosis begins with skin lesions, sinusitis, or pneumonia;
                may  involve the liver, kidneys, brain, and other tissues; and is often rapidly fatal.

Bacteraemia -- usually transient presence of bacteria in the blood

black plague -- virulent contagious febrile disease that is caused by a bacterium of the genus Yersinia
     (Y. pestis synonym Pasteurella pestis), that occurs in bubonic, pneumonic, and
     septicemic forms.

blepharitis -- inflammation of the eyelids and especially of their margins

Boils --  referred to as a skin abscess -- localized infection deep in the skin.

Bronchiolitis -- inflammation of the minute thin-walled branch of a either of the two primary divisions of the
    tubes that lead respectively into the right and the left lung   

Bronchiseptica -- B. bronchiseptica rarely infects healthy humans though disease in
     immunocompromised patients has been reported

Cancer is diagnosed in more than 1 million people every year in the US alone

Cancer is caused by chemicals and disease causing bacteria, viruses, etc.

Carcinogen --  In
1989 EPA listed 21 known chemical carcinogens in sludge biosolids. Since
           then, EPA has removed most information on carcinogens off its website.

Carcinogenesis  -- the production of cancer

Carditis -- inflammation of the heart muscle

Central nervous system -- (CNS) the part of the nervous system which in vertebrates consists of the brain
     and spinal cord, to which sensory impulses are transmitted and from which motor
     impulses pass out, and which supervises and coordinates the activity of the entire
     nervous system

Central venous -- access is the placement of a venous catheter in a vein that leads directly to the heart.
Cephalhematoma -- usually benign swelling formed from a hemorrhage beneath the membrane of
     connective tissue that closely invests all bones except at the  joint  surfaces  of the
     skull and occurring especially over one or both of the wall cavity bones in newborn infants

chancroid -- venereal disease caused by a hemophilic bacterium of the genus Haemophilus (H. ducreyi)
     and characterized by sores that differ from those of syphilis in lacking firm  or hard
     fibrous element margins

Chicken pox -- acute contagious disease marked by low-grade fever and formation of vesicles caused by
     a herpesvirus

Cholangitis -- inflammation of one or more bile duc

cholecystitis -- inflammation of the gallbladder

chorioamnionitis -- inflammation of the fetal membranes

Chronic -- frequent recurrence over a long time, and often by slowly progressing seriousness  --
     especially of degenerative invasive diseases, some infections, psychoses, and
     inflammations such as chronic heart disease, chronic arthritis, chronic tuberculosis.

Chronic gastritis -- inflammation especially of the mucous membrane of the stomach

Coliform -- of, relating to, or being gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria (as E. coli) normally present in the
     MORGANELLA, PROVIDENCIA and YERSINIA that ferment lactose at 35°C (95°F).  A
     temperature of 44.5°C (112.1° F) for thermotolerant  Escherichia coli inhibit the growth of
     all the coliforms of nonfecal origin as well as a large number of fecal coliforms.
     However,  A recent study, July 2007, found thermotolerant 04 (Uropathogenic E. coli, UPEC), 025
    (Enterotoxigenic E. coli, ETEC), 086 (Enteropathogenic E. coli, EPEC), 0103 (Shiga-toxin
    producing E. coli, STEC), 0157 (Shiga-toxin producing E. coli, STEC), 08 (Enterotoxigenic
    E. coli, ETEC) and 0113 (Shiga-toxin producing E. coli, STEC) in drinking water systems

Colitis -- inflammation of the colon

Coma -- a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison

Conjunctiva -- mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and is continued over the
     forepart of the eyeball

Conjunctivitis -- inflammation of the conjunctiva

Corneal ulcer--  disintegration and necrosis membranous cellular tissuet -- ransparent part of the coat of
     the eyeball that covers the iris and pupil and admits light to the interior

Cutaneous abscesses -- localized infection deep -- relating to, or affecting the skin

Cystitis -- inflammation of the urinary bladder

Dental abscesses -- localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue

Diarrhea -- abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations with more or less fluid stools

Digestive tract -- bodily system concerned with the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of food

Diphtheria  -- an acute febrile contagious disease typically marked by the formation of a false membrane
       especially in the throat and caused by a bacterium of the genus Corynebacterium (C.
       diphtheriae) which produces a toxin causing inflammation of the heart and nervous system
Disseminated disease -- widely dispersed in a tissue, organ, or the entire body

diverticulitis -- inflammation or infection of a abnormal pouch or sac opening from a hollow organ,  the
       colon that is marked by abdominal pain or tenderness often accompanied by fever, chills,
       and cramping

                      A-D                E-I                J -O        P-Z