EPA's Rapid Incident Response - WHO? ME? YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING?
EPA has had a rapid incident response team for sludge/biosolids complaints since 1994. The first team led
by John Walker set up a program with the Water Environment Federataion (WEF) to debunk environmental
damage and health complaints. The second team was led by Bob Brobst in 1997 and worked with University
of Georgia researchers to publish a "peer reviewed study" debunking the environmental damage and
cattle deaths on the McElmurray and Boyce dairy farms in Georgia. The study was based on "fudged" and
fabricated data. Since 2005, the Water Environment Research Foundation has been working to develop a
protocol (what questions they want to ask) for a Rapid Incident Response to Health Complaints from Land
Application of Biosolids. Now, if they can find some one that is interested, they are going to test the
protocol for the next years or so? Yeh!
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SOUND SLUDGE SCIENCE and EPA/WEF Rapid Incident Response to Health Complaints From Land Application
of Biosolids
Government Employees Qualified Immunity and the Games They Play
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SOUND SLUDGE SCIENCE and the need for EPA/WEF Rapid Incident Response to Health Complaints From Land
Application of Biosolids
We Didn't Know the Gun Was Loaded, or Did We?
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SOUND SLUDGE SCIENCE and why there will be no EPA/WEF Rapid Incident Response to Health Complaints
From Land Application of Biosolids
The Truth Will Prevail
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SOUND SLUDGE SCIENCE and the scheme to derail EPA/WEF Rapid Incident Response to Health Complaints
From Land Application of Biosolids
Government Smoke and Mirrors Project -- We want to Help -- But We can't -- Maybe Later