EPA does not know safe level of chemicals because it lacks data on most chemicals Rubin is still trying to
con the legislators and public into believing they can be safely exposed to sludge.
"(For lack of adequate data, the inherent variable in individual exposure to pollutants in sludge is not addressed"

"EPA concluded that adequate protection of public health and the environment did not require the adoption of
standards designed to protect human health or the environment under exposure conditions that are unlikely
and where effects were not significant or widespread" (FR. 58,32, p.9252).  (1989)

"Consequently, releases of hazardous substances from the land application of sewage sludge authorized under and in
compliance with an NPDES permit would constitute a Federally permitted release" Furthermore, "Biosolids (sludge) used
as a fertilizer under good agronomic management practices is exempt from third party liability under CERCLA as is any
other commercial fertilizer" (FR.58,32,p.9262)