Subject: COURAGE
Date: 7/10/2007 4:43:54 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
From: [email protected]

To: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] (helen eggleston), [email protected],
Englandranch, [email protected], Fg325, [email protected] (HELEN
FLOWERS), [email protected] (Gayl Fowler), FPecar4525, [email protected]
(Hollandsworth,Geraldine), [email protected], TILLERY,
[email protected] (harts), [email protected](Delegate Clarke Hogan),
[email protected] (HShields), humhaven18, [email protected],
[email protected], Judithgladys, [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected] (Greg Little),
Lppetals, [email protected] (Peter Luke), [email protected], Kevin.
[email protected] (Kevin Miller), [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (E.
T. Noon), [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
(Laura Orlando), [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], rvham2@peoplepc.
com, [email protected] (Jeanne Scott), csnyder@masterengineersinc.
com, [email protected] (Henry Staudinger), StormySCM, [email protected]
CC: [email protected], BynJam

Hopefully, there will be news media which will reprint this letter for the benefit of
their readers.  Like courage is seldom found in this day of political intimidation.

Documents will be furnished upon request in order to substantiate letter


Dear Editor:

Several articles have appeared in the news media which depict Mr. Dale
Ellington, Campbell County, as an anti-sludge activist.  Furthermore, that he
has fought a battle to keep sewage sludge from being applied near his home.  
However, there is more to the story than a citizen not wanting odorous sludge
dumped in his back door…it is the preservation of life.

The truth is that Mr. Ellington has had to face personal battles from losing an
arm in an accident to spending his life savings to save his wife, Georgia, from
the grips of chest and brain cancer.  While both issues were visited upon his
family, due to no fault of theirs, he has stood fast to keep his faith in the
Almighty and his fellow man. Only those close to him can begin to understand
the personal love he has for his family and the agonizing pain he has endured
in seeing his wife‘s health deteriorate due to the cancerous tumors.

In May 2006, he was forced to face another battle for the preservation of his
wife’s life…that of sewage sludge pollution applications in close proximity to his
home.  Armed with little knowledge of the sludge’s content and effects, he set
about to learn more.  At every turn he was stalled.  The Virginia Department of
Health refused to disclose content information, the sludge applicator refused to
remove the application site from its permit and the county government pleaded
ignorance of effects and authority over applying sludge pollution within its
political jurisdiction.  In essence, a Virginia citizen was stonewalled at every
turn by powerful and politically connected entities promoting profits at any cost
above human life or suffering.

There is more to the "truths" that became evident, once this courageous
individual began his battles:  That an independent audit arm of the General
Assembly (JLARC) confirmed the lack of monitoring and testing, industry
favoritism over public health and the willful neglect on the part of sludge-
disposal administrators; That citizens throughout Virginia were experiencing
near death occurrences and lengthy terms of illnesses due to sludge content
exposure; That many scientists and studies were issuing warnings against
exposure-effects; That attending physicians were coming forth declaring the ill
effects that have occurred which caused a deterioration of their patient’s

Mr. Ellington received such notices from several physicians concerning the
deathly effects that sludge pollution exposure would have on his wife’s health.
Given the delicate health condition of Georgia, acknowledged by VDH
physicians, can anyone condemn him for standing up to the waste industry?  

The only right that a man has is that of preservation of life.  In this he must
prevail under any statute of law, before any legal court or moral judgment.  
This battle for self defense and preservation of his wife’s life is admirable,
especially when this action was forced upon him due to no fault of his.  
Challenges do not make character, only reveals it.

C. W. Williams
P. O. Box 9871
Richmond, VA 23228