Dead Birmingham Drainage District lobbying effort
The dead District has been illegally operating without a Charter Since 1963. While the Court pretended to
illegally reoganize it within the City Limits of Kansas City in 1970, By law, the District could not be
reorganized, especially, within the Kansas City limits. Proof was in the failure of 1970 alleged court action to
complete corporate existance of Birmingham Drainage District and register it with the state.
3. Within sixty days after the said district has been declared a corporation by the court,
the clerk thereof shall transmit to the secretary of state a certified copy of the findings
and decree of the court incorporating said district, and the same shall be filed in the
office of the secretary of state in the same manner as articles of incorporation are now
required to be filed under the general law concerning corporations.
Corporate existence begins, when.
355.101. 1. Unless a delayed effective date is specified, the corporate existence
begins when the articles of incorporation are filed.
Corporate representatives of the Mormon Church have been illegally operating the Distict and when question were ask,
the Church lobbied the state to change the law so that Church representatives could serve on the Board of Supervisors.
The on witness to testify for the change of law was the dead Birmingham Drainage District.
BDD failed to file financial statements for 1999, 2000 and 2001 with the County Clerk's office. The
Clay County Clerk's request for the financial information was ignored. However, cash on hand had
increased by $665,367.48 in the 3 year period to $1,179,279.34.
The oversight may have been due to the high cost of lobbying at Jeff City to get the rules changed so
corporate representatives could serve on drainage district boards.
In 2001, McKinley filed the Birmingham Drainage District petition to extend the life of the dead
district CV101-002557. That deed appears to have cost the taxpayers $40,065.06 in legal fees..
As of December 31, 2001, BDD had $1,179,279.34 on hand in cash for maintenance of the
drainage facility and levee. Clay County had remitted $110,663.85 in maintenance taxes to BDD of
the $348,052.06 in total receipts. Total expenses for the year was $141,977.45 including legal
expenses of $40,065.64 paid to McKinley's firm of Swanson & Midgley. Dan Sissom's BDD income
was $33,369.38. Terry Schlemier & Assoc was paid $3,750.00 for lobbying efforts to get state law
changed so Property Reserve representatives could serve as supervisors..
The lobbying paid off on January 16, 2002 The first reading of S99SB. To allow an authorized
representative of a corporation that owns property in a drainage district to be elected to the board
of supervisors in a drainage district. One of the legislators was skeptical and requested an Attorney
General's opinion.