Airborne aerosols: pathogens, Toxins, chemicals and metals (pollutants) in SLUDGE/BIOSOLIDS
Biological Contaminants - Tuberculosis, measles, staphylococcus infections, Legionella and influenza are known to be transmitted by air
CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act exempts commercial fertilizer which do not have all the hazardous priority pollutants in it.
SLUDGE/BIOSOLIDS AS A HAZARDOUS WASTE "if Congress gives EPA regulatory authority over hazardous wastes? Will we have one policy for hazardous wastes which go through municipal treatment plants and a different policy if it goes through and industrial treatment plant? if so, we will end up in court looking like fools." WILLIAM SANJOUR, CHIEF, HAZARDOUS WASTE IMPLEMENTATION BRANCH (1978 -1979 sludge wars)