Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR)
e-CFR Data is current as of November 22, 2005

Biosolids may contain chromium at 100,000 ppm
Biosolids is not mentioned in 503

Title 40: Protection of Environment
Subpart B—Land Application

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§ 503.13  
 Pollutant limits.
(a) Sewage sludge. (1) Bulk sewage sludge or sewage sludge sold or given away in a bag or other
container shall not be applied to the land if the concentration of any pollutant in the sewage sludge
exceeds the ceiling concentration for the pollutant in Table 1 of §503.13.

(2) If bulk sewage sludge is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation
site, either:

(i) The cumulative loading rate for each pollutant shall not exceed the cumulative pollutant loading rate
for the pollutant in Table 2 of §503.13; or

(ii) The concentration of each pollutant in the sewage sludge shall not exceed the concentration for
the pollutant in Table 3 of §503.13.

(3) If bulk sewage sludge is applied to a lawn or a home garden, the concentration of each pollutant in
the sewage sludge shall not exceed the concentration for the pollutant in Table 3 of §503.13.

(4) If sewage sludge is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land, either:

(i) The concentration of each pollutant in the sewage sludge shall not exceed the concentration for the
pollutant in Table 3 of §503.13; or

(ii) The product of the concentration of each pollutant in the sewage sludge and the annual whole
sludge application rate for the sewage sludge shall not cause the annual pollutant loading rate for the
pollutant in Table 4 of §503.13 to be exceeded. The procedure used to determine the annual whole
sludge application rate is presented in appendix A of this part.

(b) Pollutant concentrations and loading rates—sewage sludge.—(1) Ceiling concentrations.

Table 1 of § 503.13_Ceiling Concentrations
503 cancer causing agents
Pollutant                           (milligrams
                                           per kilogram)
Arsenic..................................................            75
Cadmium..................................................          85
Copper...................................................         4300
Lead.....................................................             840
Mercury..................................................            57
Molybdenum...............................................          75
Nickel...................................................             420
Selenium.................................................          100
Zinc.....................................................             7500
(In original  503 Chromium was limited to................. 3000ppm)
(Chromium in
Commercial fertilizer derived from hazardous waste limited to 21.3ppm)
Chromium limit is now 100,000 ppm
\1\ Dry weight basis.

(2) Cumulative pollutant loading rates.

Table 2 of § 503.13_Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates
          Pollutant                               rate
Arsenic....................................................           41
Cadmium....................................................           39
Copper.....................................................         1500
Lead.......................................................          300
Mercury....................................................           17
Nickel.....................................................          420
Selenium...................................................          100
Zinc.......................................................         2800

(3) Pollutant concentrations.

Table 3 of § 503.13_Pollutant Concentrations
         Pollutant                           (milligrams
                                            per kilogram)
Arsenic..................................................            41
Cadmium..................................................            39
Copper...................................................          1500
Lead.....................................................           300
Mercury..................................................            17
Nickel...................................................           420
Selenium.................................................           100
Zinc.....................................................          2800
\1\ Dry weight basis.

(4) Annual pollutant loading rates.

Table 4 of § 503.13_Annual Pollutant Loading Rates
                                             loading rate
          Pollutant                           (kilograms
                                              per hectare
                                              per 365 day
Arsenic...................................................          2.0
Cadmium...................................................          1.9
Copper....................................................         75
Lead......................................................         15
Mercury...................................................          0.85
Nickel....................................................         21
Selenium..................................................          5.0
Zinc......................................................        140

(c) Domestic septage. The annual application rate for domestic septage applied to agricultural land,
forest, or a reclamation site shall not exceed the annual application rate calculated using equation (1).


AAR=Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365 day period.

N=Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365 day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown
on the land.

[58 FR 9387, Feb. 19, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 9099, Feb. 25, 1994; 60 FR 54769, Oct. 25, 1995]

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Last updated: July 27, 2005
503.9(t) Pollutant is an organic substance,
inorganic substance, a combination of
organic and inorganic substances
, or a
pathogenic organism that, after discharge
and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or
assimilation into an organism either directly
from the environment or indirectly by
ingestion through the food chain, could, on
the basis of information available to the
Administrator of EPA,
cause death, disease,
behavioral abnormalities
, cancer, genetic
mutations, physiological malfunctions
(including malfunction in reproduction), or
physical deformations in either organisms
(humans) or offspring (children)of the
503.9(t) Pollutant is an organic substance,
inorganic substance, a combination of
organic and inorganic substances
, or a
pathogenic organism that, after discharge
and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or
assimilation into an organism either directly
from the environment or indirectly by
ingestion through the food chain, could, on
the basis of information available to the
Administrator of EPA,
cause death, disease,
behavioral abnormalities
, cancer, genetic
mutations, physiological malfunctions
(including malfunction in reproduction), or
physical deformations in either organisms
(humans) or offspring (children)of the
Exceptional Quality Sludge

Surface Disposal limits 75' from boundry

Arsenic        Chromium           Nickel
39 ppm         260 ppm             270 ppm