1. Campylobacter jejuni ------------------------- Gastroenteritis.
Campylobacter is considered by many to be the leading cause of enteric illness in the United States (20,26).
Campylobacter species can cause mild to severe diarrhea, with loose, watery stools often followed by
bloody diarrhea. Campylobacter species are highly infective. The infective dose of C. jejuni ranges from 500
to 10,000 cells, depending on the strain, damage to cells from environmental stresses, and the
susceptibility of the host. The infections are manifested as meningitis, pneumonia, miscarriage, and a
severe form of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Environmental stresses, such as exposure to air, drying, low pH,
heating, freezing, and prolonged storage, damage cells and hinder recovery to a greater degree than for
most bacteria. Older and stressed organisms gradually become coccoidal and increasingly difficult to
culture. http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~ebam/bam-7.html
Diarrhea (may be bloody), fever, abdominal pain, and cramps,
bloodstream infection (bacteremia) may lead to infections of other organs, joints may becomes painful, red,
and swollen; abdominal pain; and enlargement of the liver or spleen. The infection may involve the heart
valves (endocarditis) or the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). (Merck)
Campylobacter: C. jejuni, an organism that causes gastrointestinitis. bloody diarrhea indicates that
Campylobacter is an invasive pathogen that infiltrates the lining of the small intestine. Along the way, the
organism excretes toxins that destroy the gut mucosa.