PART 1                 PART 2                                   
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) received a lot of money from EPA for heading up a
public relations campaign to defame the names of victims who were harmed by sludge. EPA is
God to these people who operate the treatment plants having to dispose of sludge.

EPA gave them the
list of victims and told them who to hire to debunk the victims stories. Then
gave WEF a letter from EPA stating EPA didn't know about the victims.

In the brochure WEF quotes a few lines of the infamous Ohio Study which was never completed,
even though it was published.

The next document show the authors of the Ohio study never said sewage sludge used a  
fertilizer was safe. As a matter of law, and public relations, they could not place the health of the

farm families or animals at risk
for a study like this.
See abstract and addition page below.