ALLEGED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF
                                    DEAD BIRMINGHAM DRAINAGE DISTRICT
Item 17.- 2-18-2000, Birmingham Drainage District letterhead c/o Robert W. McKinley, President.

Letter with attached list of alleged Supervisors of the Birmingham District and addresses. Only two people on the list
would have potentially been eligible to serve on a legal board of supervisors for a drainage district if there could have
been a legal vote.

1999 Corporate records show the
District Charter expired in 1963
By law, Corporate representatives could not serve on a legal Board of Supervisors in 1999

Not only that, but:
"’If a municipal corporation’, declares the Supreme Court of the United States, ‘upon the surrender, or
extinction in other ways, of its charter, is possessed of any property, a court of equity will equally take
possession of it for the benefit of the creditors of the corporation.’" (Watts v Gross, 408 S.W.2d 223)